🦙 Harnessing Local AI: Unleashing the Power of .NET Smart Components and Llama2

Hi! .NET Smart Components are an amazing example of how to use AI to enhace the user experience in something as popular as a combobox. .NET Smart Components also support the use of local LLMs, so in this post I’ll show how to configure thse components to use a local Llama 2 inference server. The…… Continue reading 🦙 Harnessing Local AI: Unleashing the Power of .NET Smart Components and Llama2

📎 Extending #SemanticKernel using OllamaSharp for chat and text completion

Hi! In previous posts I shared how to host and chat with a Llama 2 model hosted locally with Ollama. (view post). And then I also found OllamaSharp (nuget package and repo). OllamaSharp is a .NET binding for the Ollama API, making it easy to interact with Ollama using your favorite .NET languages. So, I…… Continue reading 📎 Extending #SemanticKernel using OllamaSharp for chat and text completion

Don’t miss the 2024 Azure Developers JavaScript Day!

Azure Developers JavaScript Day! Do you want to discover the latest services and features in Azure designed specifically for JavaScript developers? Are you looking for cutting-edge cloud development techniques that can save you time and money, while providing your customers with the best experience possible? Azure Developers JavaScript Day Event Banner  If yes, join us next week…… Continue reading Don’t miss the 2024 Azure Developers JavaScript Day!

How to Use #SemanticKernel, Plugins – 2/N

Hi! In the previous posts we learned how to create a simple Semantic Kernel Chat Application Add services to the KernelBuilder, like Chat Build a Kernel Run a prompt with the Kernel Today we will switch a little the interaction with the AI Models, instead of a chat conversation, we will use Plugins. Plugins Let’s…… Continue reading How to Use #SemanticKernel, Plugins – 2/N

How to Use #SemanticKernel with OpenAI and Azure OpenAI in C# – 1/N

Hi! Today I’m starting a series of posts to describe an “easy way to use” AI Services with Semantic Kernel. I’m a fan of code, so I’ll focus mostly on code samples. Semantic Kernel (via Copilot) Semantic Kernel is a powerful tool that allows developers to integrate cutting-edge language models into their applications with ease.…… Continue reading How to Use #SemanticKernel with OpenAI and Azure OpenAI in C# – 1/N

APIs in Action: Unlocking the Potential of APIs in Today’s Digital Landscape

Hi! In today’s world, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are essential for connecting applications and services, driving digital innovation. But with the rise of hybrid and multi-cloud setups, effective API management becomes essential for ensuring security and efficiency. That’s where APIs in Action, a virtual event dedicated to unlocking the full potential of APIs, comes in.  Join…… Continue reading APIs in Action: Unlocking the Potential of APIs in Today’s Digital Landscape

#SemanticKernel – 📎Chat Service demo running Llama2 LLM locally in Ubuntu

Hi! Today’s post is a demo on how to interact with a local LLM using Semantic Kernel. In my previous post, I wrote about how to use LM Studio to host a local server. Today we will use ollama in Ubuntu to host the LLM. Ollama Ollama is an open-source language model platform designed for…… Continue reading #SemanticKernel – 📎Chat Service demo running Llama2 LLM locally in Ubuntu

#SemanticKernel – 📎Chat Service demo running Phi-2 LLM locally with #LMStudio

Hi! It’s time to go back to AI and NET, so today’s post is a small demo on how to run a LLM (large language model, this demo using Phi-2) in local mode, and how to interact with the model using Semantic Kernel. LM Studio I’ve tested several products and libraries to run LLMs locally,…… Continue reading #SemanticKernel – 📎Chat Service demo running Phi-2 LLM locally with #LMStudio

#Windows11 – Extract Text with Snipping Tool

Hi! A couple of months ago, I wrote about how cool it was to use the “Text Extract” Feature in PowerToys (link). And hey, this is a super cool feature. Now we have a similar feature, out of the box directly in Windows 11 with the Snipping Tool (link). Let’s look at this feature, over…… Continue reading #Windows11 – Extract Text with Snipping Tool

#Azure Custom Vision – Local model viewer Sample in Python 🐍

Hi! Create an object detection model in Azure Custom Vision and run the model locally in a desktop app in minutes. ✨ This is a sample project to use an object detection model, created using Azure Custom Vision, locally in a desktop application. The model is extracted from the “Custom Vision Export to Docker – Linux” feature.…… Continue reading #Azure Custom Vision – Local model viewer Sample in Python 🐍